Self-Defence Courses

Defending Yourself

The value of self-defense courses

Self-defense courses are valuable because they equip individuals with essential skills and confidence to protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations. These courses promote awareness, enhance physical strength, and teach effective techniques to respond to threats, enabling people to feel safer and better prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

“Self-defence is not only our right; it is our duty”

– Ronald Reagan –

Suitable Subheading

I am not just an instructor but experienced in the field of self-defense. With my 4th Dan in Taekwondo and a remarkable track record as a six-time European champion, I bring a wealth of expertise to the courses. As a top athlete, I have not only extensive experience in the dojo but also in practical situations, making my instructions not only based on technical knowledge but also on personal experience.

Why choose for me?

Joël van der Weide


My courses encompass a wide range of techniques suitable for different ages and physical capabilities.

Practical Focus

I believe in applying techniques in realistic scenarios, ensuring you feel confident in any form of self-defense.


My topathlete career and achievements in Taekwondo speak for themselves and form the foundation of our instructional methods.

Personalized Approach

I am working work closely with participants to ensure that each student gets the most out of their training.

For who?

Self-defence courses can, for example, be given to...

Women's Groups





Senior Citizens


People with disabilities